Advanced Concepts needed a website that allows customers to view and browse their complete offering of benchtop shapes, end profiles, postform profiles, benchtop thicknesses, and laminate colours from several manufacturers.
Advanced Concepts manufactures laminated benchtops and supplies cabinetry for DIY renovators, installers and shopfitters. Advanced Concepts is a family business that offers a comprehensive range of benchtop options.
We needed to create a website that allows customers to view all of their benchtop options without leaving the site.
To showcase their of laminates, we created a custom a laminate browser that allows customers to see all of the laminates offered by Advanced Concepts and view the product options per laminate product. We also improved the usability of the site by creating a mobile-responsive design, allowing visitors to browse the site from any device.
The look-and-feel of the site was extrapolated from the company’s logo and stationery which was updated by Allbiz Supplies shortly before the new website was designed.